While traveling sometimes places stand out, and photographs need to be taken.

Here is my Shot of the day. The great outdoors, riding and ride reports!

Fortunately Diana took some photos further back as we took some photos of the set up. I had dick scramble down the rocks to get the right angle!!

Spotted the shot I wanted…. Rode the bike out to the point

It was an amazing overlook…..

Just after leaving Derby there is a sign for the Prison Tree

Always some sad history of Slavery and they used the Tree as a Jail for Aboriginals that were taken into Slavery in the area for the pearling.

We road the 200KM to Broome to see the Indian Ocean and the beaches.

Had a swim in the Indian Ocean ….. That means I had ridden from the east to the west!

Always some beautiful sights on the beach

and the popular destination is the western beach at Sunset.

Not sure what the history is yet, but Camels are in Broome!

Was fun to see them walking the beach loaded with tourists!

Them we met up with some New Zealanders that have been flying around Oz. Saw them up near Wyndam at a Bird Estuary off the main road. Was great to meet/and see Peter, Brian, Ann, and Mike!