Update from Cape Town

Been a couple days since I arrived Cape Town. My motorbike was a couple days late out of Perth, but all is well as I know that it was on it’s way. Thank Ivan from Bikesabroad.com.au for the help, updates on the weekend etc!

Early Wednesday Am CapeKLR (Jorg and his lovely wife, Lili) drove down near the airport, Lili had to go to work early, so we dropped her off, then waited near the Customs House for Thandile from Seaboard Maritime Services who I hired to do the import paperwork, even though Ivan told me I would easily be able to do it myself.

Always security here in Cape Town.

Thankdile arrived to our prebooked Customs inspection. Walked over to the holding depot. and they had to find my bike…..

Always good to see the Crate looking in good condition being moved by forklift to the place to review the bike! With me was the lovely Customs Officer Zimkhitha and Thandile. Checked the Bike Vin with all the paperwork.

Approved Quickly ….. All smiles! Me, Thandile and Sister Zim!

But then we needed a form DA-74 and I needed to go pay the 1,350 Rand of Customs and misc fees (about $135 USD).

Then back to the Depot with my completed paperwork, Sign and stamped DA-74 form, and Carnet.

Was so great having Jorg with me…. Getting bike ready to put front wheel back on.

Riding it off the Crate. I have to say it is a great feeling to have my bike back, and ready to ride!!

Gave her a big hug!!

Then I signed out of Depot area, Exited for my first ride in South Africa!! Wahooo!

What a great felling. After planning to arrive in Cape Town during my trip, and the PM and arrangements with Jorg over the past 6 months! I’m Really here !

I will let Jorg post about how he felt as we went back to his place… The bike he has been following in a Ride Report for two years…. Is in his rear view mirror!

Then back to his home!

The security issues and measures to stay safe are clear here in Africa.

The sign is clear.

For those of you who follow along on my Spot device. Sorry no coverage in Africa I contacted them and was referred to their coverage maps.

Jorg took me a short tour around the city on evening. Beautiful!