Alzheimer's Info
Just wanted to add a page to share some links about Alzheimer’s Disease.
As someone who has loved and cared for his wife, Chris with Early Onset I know how important it is to get connected to the Alzheimer’s Association, caregiver resources and a support group so that you can provide the best care possible for your loved one. And also survive the many trials of being a caregiver
I would first point you to the Alzheimer’s Association. Lots of solid information and links to information and resources in the United States.
For anyone who wants to know more of our story, Below are some links to some videos I created through the process of caring for my wife. It was a way for me to share with family and friends the realities of the disease.
Thanksgiving 2008 (I created this because a really good friend of Chris’s asked me why I was with her everyday and what I could possibly do as she was losing her ability to communicate).
Thanksgiving 2009 (note you will need a Quicktime plugin for your browser to view this). This one is very personal, as I was struggling to come to terms with the pain and grief of losing Chris. I did it for a Grief class I took, and then decided to share with others as I know it is the same for many others. Hopefully it will help in the understanding that Grief is a process and with Alzheimer’s Disease and it starts long before your loved one physically dies. It is longer video than the other videos and is deeply personal to me. I have shared in hopes that it might help other facing similar situations.
(if you have trouble with link above, you can view it on this site, but there is an ad that you need to view first. Very sorry about this.)
2010 November, This was my final video of Chris as the disease progressed and it was clear to me that we were getting closer to the end of the disease. Things can change quickly in the decline so it is important to cherish the moments. I shared these videos with family and friends so they too would know the realities of this terminal disease.
Thank You so much for taking the time to read our Story and watch the videos I created to share this difficult journey. Please contact me if you have any questions or I can be of help to you in your journey with Alzheimer’s Disease
Mark Donham