So I contacted Icecreamsoldier whom I have been in contact with since my visit with his family and Mrs’s S 4th grade class. It has been an awesome connection to share this Adventure with the Kids. Lots to learn about Geography, other people and cultures and most importantly about Life.
I also got to see my Nephew who moved to Sacramento since I have been traveling. It was great to see him!
Sunday Night I arrived to Casa ICS …. They had a full weekend as one son was on the state championship Hockey team, the other made the Select Soccer team, and Vanessa was qualifying for Gymnastics…. But they made time for a visit. Have really really enjoyed getting to know all of them, and it felt like coming home !
We did not tell the kids, even ICS daughter that I was visiting so we knew it would be a surprise
We had a great dinner! (candlelit no less!) and stayed up talking way too late
Before dinner, Radioman had the pleasure of playing a few games of floor hockey with Vanessa.
After Dinner, Vanessa cooked some Snickerdoodles They were yummy!! Thx V
Nope they did not last long!
The next morning Pablo was up early and making breakfast! What a host!
Then we geared up for our ride to school….
Radioman has an Artroom set aside to set up for the surprise!
Love this sign. Felt that it was very true!
Yup Surprised the Kids Then had the chance to talk about the ride.
Sharing some highlights, lessons learned and hopefully a few words of Wisdom
Very Serious stuff :loll
Mrs S 4th grade class! What a pleasure to see all of you again!!
After the classroom, I rode this bike to their classroom, and of course. The kids needed to sit on the bike.
After the great time with the kids….. It was back on the road. Pablo took me on a little ride before I rode north.
Hummmm Two “idiots” visit Smartsville.
Yup we took a trip to Smartsville!! Hope something rubbed off :loll
Cannot tell you how much this time meant to me! It was great to be welcomed into their classroom to share this journey!
The other bonus of the trip was that on my way north I was able to meet up with jbcaddy from ADV. He is caring for his father who has Alzheimer’s Disease. My heart goes out to him and his family as they walk this road called the “long Goodbye”. We have been interacting for awhile about all the trials and difficulties of Caregiving. It is an Honor to met Jan as he has taken on the roll of caregiver. It is so cool to see Men take on the responsibilities of life and do it well!
Heading back north to PDX. I fly to DC on Thursday to carry on the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease.