Back in town and catching up with friends New and Old!
Into a routine of having coffee with the “guys” that hang out at Starbucks.
Was really glad that my trip home happened to fall when the the Local “alley Sweeper event was on.
Lots of bikes of all types on a beautiful day in Portland.
Smiling Jack rode up, and said “HI”
MotoMuffin rolled in on her Hack
This looks like my future!
and a old school collection of Rat bikes!
The sun was even out!!
The Organizers giving a quick “rules for the day” :loll
Part of the fun with this ride is that you get lost and ride with whoever is around you.
Normal muddy road!
Surprise visit by OregonCoast and his lovely wife. Made them sit on Romona’s Ural.
Had a chuckle about this sign…
Del shows up later with his New Truck