Had a great visit with MoBill and Family. It is really amazing how through the internet and ADVRIDER.com you can make friends that just work. Very Very Cool.

After the repair on my leaking valve cover…. we had to go for a test ride to see how it went.

Bill give me the scenic ride near his house.

Then we rode over to a Moto gathering in PA that Bill mentioned in an earlier post. I got a chance to use my EasyPass that I bought for the Northeast roads, bridges etc.

I just fastened it to the top of my Radar detector box and it worked great!

Rolling through some “old mill type towns” on the way. Bill tells me this is not what he thinks of when he thinks PA but I was following him.


just about to the gathering and I see this sign. I have been searching for this for years…. I was told there was a Pot of Gold here turns out that it is a nice bench with a view of the intersection

had to get a photo at the End of the Rainbow!!

Another Great visit with an ADVRIDER.com family. I cannot tell you how much these visits are positively impacting my Journey. It is amazing to have shared my life caring for my dear wife, Chris and also being able to interact with the lives of others during this time. Just like MoBill’s “Time” thread while he was serving his country. Felt like I got to know him …..and indeed in person our time together was great!! Again thanks Bill and family. We will certainly stay in touch!

Sunday AM it was up early to ride north. Planned to stop and see an “old” customer and her husband for Breakfast before riding into Manhattan. Was great to see Jim and Judy.

It was the first day of the trip that I have had to put on full rain gear. Fortunately I had all the good stuff including my Aerostitch “Lobster” mitt over covers. These things kept my hands Dry.

Rode through NJ and along the Delaware river where history took place… George Washington.

Stopped in New Hope, PA. Raining very hard. Stopped and put my cover on the bike to keep my gear dry.

The water was running down the street!

In just a couple minutes the cover had puddles of water .

After Breakfast I continued on my ride. I had lived in Princeton for a couple years back in the end of the 1980’s, so I had to stop and have a look.

Einstein Was Here!!

Amazing building on the Campus….

real slate roof tiles.

The other part of the day I wanted to ride into NYC. The love story that my wife and I had started at a restaurant in the city on November 14th, 1990. With her death earlier this year, it has changed my life forever. I had the honor and privilege to care for her as the early onset Alzheimer’s disease slowly ravaged her brain. It was certainly the Long Goodbye. Now as I am the survivor and am adventuring out in this new chapter …..It is important for me to cherish these better days of our lives knowing that my life has been made better by knowing, loving, being loved by Chris. NYC is were it started for us….. so into the city I go! Rain and all!

In the Holland Tunnel… Im In New York now. My pulse quickens as I think of all the emotions that will follow as I reminisce and remember all the times Chris and I had in NYC.

City traffic. I actually like riding in the city, as you need to ride on the aggressive side

I started by riding down toward Battery park to get a shot of the Statue of Liberty. Been there many time, and my wifes family had immigrated from romania through Ellis Island. A richly documented family history of coming to America and starting there life in a foreign land. Always stirs emotions in me.

some places in the city are very peaceful…..

Then up to see Ground Zero. Chris and I were supposed to be in NYC on September 12, 2001…. ended up rescheduling for a couple weeks later, and was here while it was still fresh. Never took any photos that trip as it felt wrong. Was a somber time of so many American losing there lives on an direct attack on our country.

Chris and I were here when they had laid the very first beam of the “Freedom tower” . They are moving along now.

Through Chinatown

Then stopped at the place I met my wife all the years ago.

It was called Cafe Iguana back then.

We met on a bench by the front door not 20 feet from here. It brought a smile to my face and a few tears

Here is a photo within an hour of our chance meeting 1990.

We spend 18 years together. I have very fond memories of our romance and lives together.

This was a weather map later in the day but I had a lots of dark green, Yellow and red Rain along the way.

Riding down some side streets, we used to wander together…..

The Chrysler Building was a favorite…. Not the “hood” ornaments on the building.

I then stopped at the Hotel my used to go to for over 25 years…. She was amazing with her connection to people. The doorman at the hotel have been there the whole time. Know us by Name. She knew all about there kids and families, and was the reason that she stayed there. She would travel to NYC every 4-6 weeks during all those years.

Here is Edward. He is a great guy, and was saddened by the news that Chris had passed away. I got to see Vince, but not Frank, Robert, Ozzie, and the others… They are great guys!! Luckily Edward pulled out his phone and recorded a video of me talking to the guys. Thanking them for all they meant to my wife during so many years. It was good for me to do, but brought tears to my eyes as i rode away.

Here is the diner that everyone that Chris took to NYC went to. Again they knew us by name and Chris loved the connections that this was. Simple place, Great people in Peter and Tony who owned the place.

Past the UN…. And up the FDR on the east side of Manhattan.

Quite a day for me. I rode north out of the city in a serious downpour. Water flying everywhere. Tried to get a photo of the waves of water that the cars and trucks were throwing up. But had to ride carefully…. Lets just say it was serious rain. Stayed basically dry the whole way… But boots just never are 100% in this kind of rain!.

Into Connecticut to stop and visit friends!! and take another day to relax….before heading north!