Buenos Aires

First night in Buenos Aires, and it was like catching up with old friends!!

Besides meeting up with Claude whom I met and stayed at our place in Ushuaia, The KIWI guys, Dick and Ken were in town to pack up there bikes as ship home. Dicks Son Gavin also joined us!

Another nice meal shared with friends!!

We had a good laugh as the New Zealand clock was not working at all, and Canada’s clock was off. Claude started in and the guys adjusted the clock.

Once this was corrected…. The KIWI’s started in.

We had a great time…. Even got the manager involved…. He said he would fix it if the “All Blacks” won.

Claude has been in Buenos Aires for weeks and rented an apartment so that he could take spanish, and enjoy the city for a month.

It is always fantastic to check out big cities.

What I love is that motos get a space at the front of the cars at the lights. Lane split to front and you have space!

and they have their own lights for some areas.

and moto parking everywhere

The walk signs are great. with the wide boulevards you need to walk fast to make it across

and of course great food vendors selling Empanadas, and other goodies!

I am also busy here getting my shipping of my bike sorted out. Met with Javier and Sandra from Dakar Motors.
Really nice people and very friendly!! I will be using them to air freight my bike to New Zealand early in February. More on this later.