It was great at the hotel as there was a family and friends staying at the hotel because one of the daughters is Marrying a Columbian guy. So the parents and then friends from High School and college have flown down to celebrate. I had a great afternoon talking with them sharing “radioman motorcycle stories” and hearing about there travels as well!
Don one of the dads had packed Box wine from California for the festivities…. Which he generously shared with the group.
Thanks Don for the Hospitality
There is a bird in the lobby…. and one of the moms was holding the bird.
What was really great is being included in the party and that the parents and kids really were enjoying being together! Love that!!
Matias (brother of the Groom) and his girlfriend Elenor were very friendly and enjoyed hanging out with them in the pool!
He was excited by the idea of the motorcycle ride around the world……. “living the dream” he said!!
James and I walked a couple blocks to get some dinner….
Then James bought some Cigars from a local street vendor …. after some negotiation.
We returned to the hotel and the Bachelorette party was really underway….. We stayed up and enjoyed our time with the group!