Cartagena is a cool place to visit which is why there are lots of tourists, El Centro was a much more expensive side of town to stay, but i needed to rest.
Did get out for a little sight seeing
Walked over to the old wall to see the sunset.
James lining up his shot.He actually takes more photos than I do!!
There was a TV crew filming for the music festival.
We were standing there watching …. I caught this photo just as one of the crew threw a pair of pliers to someone on the wall.
And then had some ice cream in the shop just down the street. This little girl was really cute. Mom was taking a photo too!
Did not get to see as much as I normally would have…. but the knee needed the rest!
Hanging out at the Hotel was fun as the “wedding party” was all coming and going. They were all really friendly and we had some great conversations. Thanks to all of you for including us in your group!