This is a post that Young James Made on Thursday night……
Ok I shall be the one to brake the news…. brace yourselves…
Mark has been a little under the weather last 2 days. I was feeling a bit crap yesterday morning but after a couple of drugs(legal kind) & about 2-3 thousand milligrams of Vitamin C I was grand again. Mark on the other hand…. not so much. At about 6pm I was called aways from my editing by a concerning voice… mark was shivering cold, crazy bloodshot eyes and having trouble breathing…
This was not good… could be nothing, could altitude sickness or could be a heart attack…. in my best motherly/wife-like tone I Said we are going for a ride(in a taxi)
Mark being helped into the hospital by Hector and staff
I am sure he will be fine…
More To Follow Soon….
and I combined his next update post into this one…..
Radioman Rides a Gurney Pt 2
Hi All
Ok so here is the full update on last nights escapades
Mark looking whiter than normal… taxi pls
Yes i agree you do look like shit
Hector keeps his distance in the taxi…. it was only 8 blocks and somehow the taxi driver took 20mins & 3 wrong turns. Dumbass
Helped into emergencia by Hector & Staff
Heart rate normal….. oxygen level normal…. not altitude sickness
This is the Doc … to figure out whats wrong
Doctor says he has a fever of 102F and a throat infection
this was to bring the fever down
we have to wait 1 hour for the shot to subside the fever
Antibiotics for the infection from the lovely nurse Susana…. Mark requests a sponge bath please!!
doctor gives the all ok to leave… and prescribes a bunch of drugs for a couple of days
Ok then How much will all that be then…..$46 ….
One of the prescribed pills….. i think that goes in your mouth Mark…. nuff said