La Rioja to Mendoza

Fortunately the hotel had an early breakfast which is unusual (most start at 8AM) and I was wanting to be on the road early.

Riding south …. Just me and Blue skies!!

Always funny to me the roads that they have sealed like this. Know that it is a cheaper fix than repave…. but wow.

Riding just lots of plains the colro of the ground changes as I ride!

I ride south with a mountain range on my right, until it fades into the plains and I round the corner and head south west

Cut across Ruta 150 toward a couple national parks.

No time to explore this area, as my tire is wearing and I will need to replace it soon. Funny how when you know it is wearing it takes so much mental focus.

Leaving the mountains behind…

In the plains you can see that they get big rains as there are many spillways across the road.

Some full of sand and debris

Onto a new set of mountains…..

Then leaving them again as I head toward Mendoza

As I get closer to San Juan, I see lots of guys riding bikes out in the plains.

Bad photo, but there are also Covered BBQ areas that people pull over, cook some meat and have a picnic!!

Riding the last 60 miles westward to Mendoza. Another famous Wine region

about 3 miles out….. Wineries start appearing!

Roll into Mendoza early afternoon. My Chain is all of a sudden really loose….. and my rear tire is down to the wear bar. Tighten chain, and started looking for places that Might have a new rear tire. It is Sunday so it will have to wait until the morning to see what I can find.