Bariloche to Esquel

Stayed at this Hostel which was great.

S41 08.237 W71 18.634 Say Hello to Juiette and charlie!

Conitnuing south along in Patagonia…. On Ruta 40

Great views as I ride out of Bariloche

The famous Ruta 40

Taking a break to smell the flowers! Great to be riding here!

Enjoying the ride. Only 180 miles today, weather is nice and crisp!

Then I got a taste of the real Ruta 40

WIND yea real buffeting wind. Slams you from either side and pushes you around the road kind of wind!

Blew my bags around ….

Snow capped mountains on the right

Roll into Esquel which is a bigger town near the Chile border. Will be heading toward the Caraterra Austral tomorrow so I stopped here. Had to chuckle at the sign near the beginning of town. Glad to know it.