Will be following along as usual.
Jorg hoping to make to Africa at some point in this journey!
Just before 5 am on Tuesday September 11th. Sitting at the airport after my buddy Dave got up to drive me at 4AM. Thanks Dave! It is a reflective day more me as I restart the Adventure in South America, and also as I think about the Fateful day 11 years ago. Remember vividly waking up with my lovely wife, and watching the news as we were walking out the door to go to work, then hearing the details expand and the second plane hit while I was in the car.
It has changed our world in so many ways. So many suffered great losses that day, and it changed so much of our daily lives. Sadness and grief for all the losses.
Had been on the World Trade Center towers dozens of times. Hard to grasp that they no longer exist and it happened in an Attack on America.
My Step son looking down….. (he is now 26 )
My wife and I were in NYC less that 2 weeks after ….. Walked within two blocks and saw all the signs of people looking for loved ones in Union Square.
Lots to think about on days like today. Looking forward to sharing the road with you as I get to Quito, retrieve my bike and start riding south! :ricky