Still in Sydney enjoying a bit of time with my friends, although they left for a South American Holiday early this morning!
First, Logistics. I have a rear hub that has had a bearing loose in the hub. Have a temporary fix, but will need to get the hub replaced. Have been talking with Woodys Wheel Works in Colorado where I had them made. They have been great, and will be working out a way to get me a replacement hub. It is a shame that it failed at this early point, but was a bit my fault as I had a wheel bearing going out and did not catch it in time and it damaged the hub
That has taken a couple days to sort out. but this kind of thing is part of any RTW trip. Will get it worked out and know that I will ride confidently into the outback (with a slightly lighter wallet).
With the communications of today, I was on FB and an old High School buddy messages me. He is up on a call to Japan and we go back and forth for a bit catching up. His niece is living in Sydney, so he says, you should meet up. OK, cool.
So the other night I meet up with Makenna and her BF Hamish in Sydney. Wonderful meeting cool young people who are working, but also thinking about travel and seeing the world!
Having a bit of downtime, I am able to update some things on my Blog, work on video editing (NZ). So I was able to update my Route map on my blog. The orange is the actual ride so far.
And I get a chance to check out the area a bit as well. More critter signs around.
Then a trip to the Powerhouse museum for an hour or two. It is a typical interactive Science museum that is great for kids!
Planes, trains and Automobiles
and of course some Motorbikes
And then a flash back at some history.
the in/out workstation, and one small section of the first computer it was something like 16 meters long of cabinets (to do probably less than my watch 🙂
Then some information on how long are data will last. Sort of interesting as I remember so much of the early days of computing that became mainstream in the 80’s…..
Of course we all visited museum like this as young students….
After the museum, I could not help but try another “best in Sydney” Pie
Had a nice chat with a Kiwi turned Aussie 🙂 Politics etc.
The sticker on my bike seems to sum up my feeling very well.