Had a note on my bike from Joke (from Belgium) who I swam with, to see the Whale sharks. Joke (pronounce Jo Ka). Wishing me well.

On the road early.

Arrived Coral Bay in time to have Coffee and some Brekkie. Amazing water.

Australia is a huge place. crossing the country there are many signs warning of tired driving.

The road kill is everywhere. and with it are the Wedge Tail eagles. They are big, and seems to be slow to move off the food…. felt like I almost hit a few, as I had to duck

Heading south….

Passed the Tropic of Capricorn again for the last time here!

Saw a couple Blokes from QLD doing a loop of Oz while I stopped for fuel. have not seen too many bikes out on the road.

Then out to Monkey Mia. Stopped at Shell Beach. Guess it is one of two beaches in the world comprised of only shells. 6-9 meters deep.

Arrived Monkey Mia late afternoon.

Lovely beaches….and sunset.

At this point in my trip, I am am starting to get all my logistics in place to move on to South Africa. Takes a certain amount of time to realize that my time in Oz in coming to an end. Will enjoy the next 3 weeks….. but starting to think forward to Cape Town. Just cannot help myself as that it the next place I will go.

. More thoughts later.