Originally Posted by Scubalong
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Good to see you drop by Mark
We are and for Chapter IV

Just thought I would do a short update as I settle back into life at home. It has been an interesting, emotional, somewhat overwhelming time as I moved back into my house, and am facing the start of this new chapter.

I knew that coming back and restarting life would have it’s challenges and difficulties, which is why I decided to return at the end of last year, so that I still had the finances to take time to transition. Having a “clean Slate” to start over is a great opportunity but also a bit daunting as well.

Still moving in things to my house, organizing, and trying to get my set settled, along with being up on Whidbey Island to finish some repairs that needed to be done, and also getting ready for my Presentations.

With all the thoughts flooding my brain, and was feeling a bit overloaded. So I set up a couple boards to just put down some words that will help me clarify what will be important gong forward. This is a work in process and will evolve as time unfolds!

Also connecting with friends, family and others who have been following along. Everyone is asking “what are your going to do now?”. My answer. I do not know yet………. In the months ahead, I will be starting the process of answering that questions and reconnecting with a working world.

And of course, I have had to get out a do some short rides while I get some things done around my house.

Thanks so much for the PM’s, emails, calls while I transition out of this Ride Report mode. I miss sharing the day to day life on the road, and plan on Updating over the next months as I figure out what is next. Stay tuned ….