This time at home is short, but it is important for me and I continue to advocate on behalf of all those impacted by Alzheimer’s Disease, and our country as we face a HUGE financial crisis in caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related Dementia’s now and into the near future.
I volunteered at an Alzheimer’s Conference in Portland yesterday. 300+ family caregivers, professional caregivers, and others attend this ever year to learn about the disease, better ways to care for people with Alzheimer’s and related illnesses! It is an amazing time with wonderful people! So glad I saw so many familiar faces !
What is staggering is this:
FACTS: 5.3 million Americans currently with Alzheimer’s projected to grow to 16 Million in the next 30 years.
Cost of the disease to our society around 200 Billion currently More than Cancer and Heart Disease combined!
These charges show what our government is spending right now on research for the 5 major diseases, and which ones are increasing
Why has Alzheimer’s disease been so underfunded when it will overwhelm our healthcare system. expected to reach 1.2 Trillion in less than 30 years. More than all other diseases combined. It is terrible. Our government needs to start seriously addressing this issue!!
We have lots of budget issues to deal with and this is another case that our leaders are not looking at the future realities and making better choices about what to spend our money on. Please support Alzheimer’s priorities !!
This will be my 5th year participating in Advocacy on Capital Hill. We did get the National Alzheimer’s Plan Act PAssed in 2010 with UNANIMOUS vote. When has that happened in the last 30 years on something this big? in our government.
I am just a guy, no one is paying me to go to DC or spend the time and money to do so. Having lived the disease with my lovely wife, seeing so many families go through such a terrible disease and it’s emotional and economic toll that it takes. It changed my life forever, and I want to help find a cure and treatments for this.