I spent Sunday in Antigua taking it easy. Letting my body heal, and relaxing. Was able to skype with my brothers and catch up on my Ride Report.

Antigua is a cool Colonial City that is full of tourists from all over the world and lots of local color as well. You could take thousands of photos. You have to be very careful taking pictures of the locals.

I am staying here for $22 USd a night. Simple place but easy to walk to everything.

But the city has amazing views and is surrounded by Volcanos. It is amazing just walking around …… so many photos to take.

I met Doug from Canada who is in Guatemala for three weeks, helping with a local Nonprofit and practicing his spanish. We went out to dinner together, at a great restaurant and were both glad there were no other Gringos and the place was packed.

Cool old motorcycle right behind our table.

and they had a Harley Davidson in the courtyard.

Took a walk around town to the central Square.

Enjoying the city.

And Monday Morning it was time for me to find a place to take spanish. There are dozens of schools all over the city. I just picked one close to my hotel, which is only a block away.

Here’s the one I picked, and started right away with one on one instruction.

Funny Story:

As I was coming to Antigua, Frank gave me a call, and said the best way to learn Spanish is to find a “long haired Dictionario” I have been laughing about this ever since

Just a few more pictures from Antigua.

This was in a gated courtyard. Scenes from the bible that they must bring out for parades and festivals. They seem to really like the celebrations.

Street vendor selling fruta….

Will be studying Spanish all week. Hopefully tomorrow I will know what damage is to my bike, if they can repair/fix the side cover of if I need to have one shipped from US. Have this all set up with delivery in about 3 days…. The journey will continue.