Haver been taking 4 hours of Spanish each day. Here is my teacher… Sara. Learning a language is challenging but It has been a great experience as well. Have had fun learning and also asking questions about the culture of Guatemala. Sara has been great!! Hola Sara.
Thursday I went to a real local place for lunch. It is located just around the corner from me in a Tienda (small store) I walked in the store is tiny (I will go back and get some photos) Told them in Spanish I was wanting to have lunch. I am guided behind the store counter, and into the back where there are a couple tables.
The food was great!! While I was there the guy that works in my hotel came in and got his lunch. He told me he always eats here!
Bit ore time exploring the old city
With two women from my Spanish school, we jumped in a Tuk Tuk to go to La Azotea which is a local Coffee Plantation.
Being a coffee drinker, though it would be cool to see how they grow and prepare it!! The green beans are still growing, they harvest once the beans grow red. In Guatemala the harvest season is about to happen in this region.
This plantation only grows Arbica Shade grown Coffee “the best” we were told
Loved some of the signs on the tour.
and one for Sam’s Instant coffee.
Got to see the process start to finish including the sun drying process of the beans.
This is the area for the rejected beans…. Some being sold for Instant coffee
And we got to wander an area where coffee plants are growing…
Then some of the older Flat Belt equipment they used to use.
Like all good tours they end in the tasting room and then Gift shop It was an interesting tour!
Then some more walking about town.
Of course like any tourist town….. There are lots of artisan shopping areas. Was not too important for me, but they have colorful clothing and rugs and lots of other hand made items.
What has interested me in Latin America is that from the street, you do not really see homes, and have no idea what is behind the large doors, unless you find an open one.
Antigua is an old city and has al kinds of buildings and facades.
Have been told not to blatantly take people of the local people, but they are amazing as they carry large bundles on there heads, have great colorful clothing and goods to sell.
Another great Sunset over Antigua.
Ended up here at a “gringo” bar to eat dinner with a couple of gals from SF, and a local guy. Soups were really tasty!!
Friday was my last day of Spanish School. Then a party to finish the week. Somehow I did not take any photos of the food and people, but it was great!! They cooked some meet and had lots of food!
Then I caught a bus up to watch the sunset over the Volcano Pacaya.
You hike up 1.5 hours to just below the base. My knee did well, must be OK to ride 🙂
heading up here….
it is a pretty big place.
You have great views over the valley.
looking back toward Guatemala City.
The mountain has lots of vent holes with hot steam rising.
Just excited that I made it up the mountain without lots of knee pain
Sun starting to set….
All the other tourists from all over the world. USA, Canada, Germany, Israel, Australia, Oregon, England, etc.
Liked this picture as the steam rising caught the sun and looked like it was on fire.
Status update on my bike……. It has been hard to get an answer as to when they will actually have it repaired. I was told it should be ready Friday….and I was going to go back to Guatemala City in the afternoon. But when I called, and Frank stopped by they said it would not be done until Monday. So I decided to stay in Antigua and do some local exploring instead of Guatemala City….. Monday I will get back to the city and see if my bike is really ready.