Have seen lots of Horse or Donkey pulled wooden carts hauling goods along the main roads in Central America.
OK here we go again. Crossing the border at Guasaule. Expecting helpers to come running again so I am prepared to tell them No Gracias. As we rolled in a couple started point to pull into the left sort of parking area. Not really sure it the first place we stopped and the guy checked our vin was a real stop…. but then we moved down to the Aduana office to get passport and moto checked out of Honduras.
Aduana Office does not look like much.
Having a riding partner, is great at these borders so that one watches the bike, and the other does the paperwork. Today Sherri was doing the paperwork, so I watched the bikes. Her Spanish is way better than mine which will help!
Guys still coming by to change money and “help”. No Gracias. But I forgot to get rid of my Honduras money on this crossing just because it is such a barrage of people asking that you shut down.
While waiting in the hot sun, had kids come up to sell me stuff, offer to polish my boots for a $1, or just beg for money.
Sherri all wrapped up with the check out. They took all our Moto papers but gave us a small white piece of paper to give to the guard at the bridge to leave.
With the time….. Shooting a few photos. More stickers for my bike….. Thanks Frank for getting me the Guatemala Sticker!!
Sherri has quite a collection from all over the world.
These ladies had stopped by to sell me some fruit out of the baskets on their heads. Commerce is on full swing at the borders. Lots of services needed. The guy with the 3 wheel bike shuttles people walking over the border to the Nicaragua side.
Ok on our way out of Honduras!
and into Nicaragua!
As we pull into the parking area for the Aduana, two “official” people approach to sell us the mandatory Insurance for $12.00. Rosana was very friendly so I asked for a photo! Not sure if the insurance would do any good.
Through the trees to the blue and white building is the Nicaragua Aduana/Customs. Sherri when in and got things all signed off. The kid in the foreground wanted to be a helper. No Gracias!
The shuttle service bringing people over to the customs office on this side.
It is still early but the heat is rising while I wait.
The whole process took just over an hour. and then we were on our way!!
The roads were better in Nicaragua as we headed south toward Granada.