Took a day off to relax!! Since I splurged I even had a little deck to sit and have my morning coffee and watch the world go by.

Bocas del Toro is a big tourist destination for sure.

I took it easy all morning and enjoyed myself!! Oh for the splurge I have this room. Best bed I have slept in for months…

and a coffee maker in the room.

Then I decided to explore a bit and took a boat to the Butterfly garden. It was just a 5 minute boat ride from the center of town.

locals getting around the island.

Ok…. boat driver is taking me ?

This little dock….. Ok. He will pick me up in about 1.5 hours…..

Lots of beautiful butterflies.

Could not really capture the Blue winged butterflies in motion they rarely stopped. This is what they look like on the outside.

Not a great photo. But they did not stop much, and when they did there wings were up so you could not get the vibrant blue. It is cool.

there were also some brightly colored frogs about.

and Butterflies in the before they can fly.

and some cool flowers as well.

. Worked out to be a great day to take it easy.