Torres Del Paine
The rain continued in the evening and it was good to look out from a warm dry room! Not too much for camping in the rain.
Next morning the clouds stayed low. We took our time getting ready to leave, and hoped for clearing
They were rounding up the horses in the morning so that the tourists would be ready for horseback riding.
As we were getting ready to head out, some hikers walked by and we said hello. The guy looks at me…. Say we know you. We met at the Hotel pool in Tupiza, Bolivia! It was Ellen and her husband (forgot his name) from Belgum!! They had just hiked up the “W” trek to see the mountain with two french women who turned out to be doctors, and had helped a man who had broken his ankle while hiking in the mountains!! The saved him lots of pain and set his ankle before rescuers arrived to carry him out!!
They had fun on the bikes…
Ken answering questions about his bike and trip!!
Our french Doctors (Clare and Adaile) who are heros for spending there hike helping the injured hiker!
And we had fun sharing our bikes!!
We rolled out of this part of the part but did not ever get a good view of the mountains above
Bit of washboard through the park. All the roads here are gravel.
We took a bit of a stop and caught a glimpse of these spectacular mountains. Just a tease, as it never cleared……. But I will be back in a month or so and hope to see it with blue sky!!
We all wanted to get a photo of the Majestic scene…
We headed south as the weather was just not the best to see the park or camp. Threading our way through Guanaco, Cows, and other animals in the park
After 40 miles of gravel we were out of the park and back on tarmac.
We were riding through the valley with snow covered peaks on our right side!
Had to check out my rear rim, as Ken thought it had a wobble, but was just the dust and gravel on the road…
Ken needed to air up a low tire ….. Tried at the service station, but then ended up doing it on the side of the road!
The view from our deck. It was a spectacular view!! Ken and I enjoyed a few hours watching this !
Took a little walk through town
and look who I run into!! Jordan and Anne who I last saw in Lima!! They rode to Ushuaia on there KLR and were about to catch the Navimag to Puerto Montt !!
and a look out on the Hot tub at the Hotel.
Bikes all covered up for the night!
We headed out to another great dinner. Diana enjoying a Pisco Sour! We laughed very hard before dinner arrived!
Then the fantastic steaks arrived!!
Of course Diana takes cuisine shots like I do!
Another great day as we ride south. We are now less that 750 Km to Ushuaia which will be a two day ride. It is amazing to think that I started 17 months ago headed south, and am just about to reach this point.