Cerro Sombero, Chile to Ushuaia…..
This post will be a culmination the past 14 months(heading south) as I have now ridden the length of South America.
Will make another post with the “end of the road” sign, but wanted to capture some of the excitement that comes with making this Milestone!!
What made this additionally great was that I got to share in the great accomplishment of my new KIWI friends as they completed their ride from Prudhoe Bay to Ushuaia over the past 5 months. When most people who retire start taking bus and cruise tours, my KIWI friends, Dick and Diana, Ken and Shirley have ridden two up the whole way!! So very cool !!! and I am so fortunate to have met and ridden with them as they complete this journey!!
Captured the Raised arms and cheers as they rode into Ushuaia!! Very emotional experience!!
And we had a celebratory bottle of Champagne thanks to Dick!! Cheers to an amazing experience of riding to the end of South America!!
OK let me step back and share some of the day that got us to Ushuaia!!
Yesterday we stayed in Cerro Sombero which is on Tierra Del Fuego on the Chile side. Really nice hotel in a very small town. We met up with a few other riders some were taking a Compass tour riding north, and the others were from Brazil riding south like us! Was fun to talk with other bikers on the road!
We headed south for another 100KM of gravel that would take us to the Argentinean border… Had some blue sky and lighter winds in the morning. As we started out, I know all of us were reflective on this day. We would be arriving at the destination that is part of our trip. For The KIWI’s it is the end of there ride, for me a milestone, but one that has lots of emotion and thoughts that flow through us all day!!
Nice hard gravel….
We arrive at the Chile Border in a couple hours….. 5 minutes and we are checked out and headed back into Argentina
We ride the 13KM to the Argentina border, and roll up to an almost empty border. just us heading east, and a few trucks heading west…..
Wind has picked up as we go in to process of Passports and Aduana (customs) for the bikes!
It only took 5-10 minutes to get our paperwork done. Ok, lets go…… But when I get back out to my bike. Something is amiss….
Normally on all the other border crossings in Central America and northern South America we have someone watch the bikes, or lock down everything. Since no one was really at the border, we just left helmets, GPS’s, gloves etc on the bikes.
When I got to my bike, I noticed one of my Brand New MotoPort winter gloves that I have carried just for the colder weather down here and only used a couple times on the ride…. One was missing.
I had it tucked between my tank bag and GPS like I always do when I stop. But the left one was missing. I look around the bike…. No did not fall down that I can see.
Confusion, then I sort of wonder in the wind if it had fallen did it blow away?
More looking…. Then I remember that was the glove that I placed my Panoptic riding glasses…… Checked all around…. Nothing.
It is one of these times that is just a real bummer. Looks like someone stole ONE of my gloves and my good riding glasses
Asked the Police man in the booth not more that 30 feet away…. Nothing from him. Check all the trash cans thinking someone saw the glasses and grabbed the glove to get the glasses, then ditch the glove. Cannot find it. Really a bummer as it sinks in. No other explanation. Tossed my glove on the ground to see if it would fly away and where…. Nope. Plus I know that it the glove drops the glasses pop out, done it many many times on this ride.
Someone stole my left glove and glasses I have a lighter pair and we pack up and ride over to the cafe for a little bite to eat. The situation bugs me…. But I know I need to get over it and not let it get to me and ruin this big day….. It takes awhile
besides the lost gear, cost of replacement and the fact that I cannot do this easily while on the road. Breathe. The reality is not sure why someone at a remote border would steal one glove…. leaving without my heavy winter waterproof and warm glove. Hope they enjoy it!
Now I have this worthless glove (which was brand new $200 pair) and no glasses. RANT.
As we got back on the road, it was heavy on my mind. lots of thoughts and what if’s. But I had 300 Km to think about it….
Let it go RM, Let it go. Just one of the things that happens on the road…… We roll on down Ruta 3 toward Ushuaia
Down to the last 100 KM….. The mountains and lakes appear…..
and then we ride into Ushuaia!! Excitement and celebration !!!
We arrive at Fierro Martin B&B that I had booked ahead of time…. Javier is a great guy!!
Parking had Ken a bit worried, as it is a steep hill, then over the dip and onto the patio. Just another day of parking at the hotel for me!
Bikes park
Ken and KIWI celebrate
Dick and Diana Celebrate!!
Then off to a wonderful dinner of Lamb and Steak!!
even splurged for dessert!
More in my next post about the ride to the end of the road!