A few quotes from my ADV RR
As you well know, I’ve stated this many times in our conversations, You are a Great Ambassador and inspiration for the many. As IDave shared the story of his “client” you helped in ways you not aware of by allowing them to open-up through “self disclosure” that in and of itself has an immense healing power. What you share with the world has a healing effect in many many ways. I remember my grandmother slipping away to this terrible disease in the late 70’s
I like this Shot, it’s so you!
Safe Journey’s and spreading the word.
I’m here just lurking…
aaah…..but it is motorcycle related because it is the driving force behind this adventure!!! We all appreciate what you do for us each day, giving us the oppurtunity to dream and live a different life through your adventures, but more importantly there is not a single person that has read this report that is not more in tune with the issues surrounding us with Alzheimers Disease.
As you know already Angie and I both have experienced this horrible disease in our lives and we respect and appreciate all you do for awareness of this disease!!
Thanks Mark and there is a standing open invitation for a stay at The A2 Resort in sunny South Florida when you finally slow down and get back to this thing the rest of us call life!!!!
Appreciate the encouraging comments of friends as I continue my adventure!
Thoughts from being home:
Been a very busy visit back home. After returning from DC, I drove up to Seattle to see my younger brother and family, and couple of my oldest and dearest friends.
This short break has been great to share a few wonderful meals with friends.
and being back in PNW ….. Berry Pie (so funny how last year I shared some crazy pie photos on FB …. and know everyone knows that I like pie 🙂
Really great Asparagus ….
Then back to Portland to get ready to fly to Australia next week.
With time to reflect. It brings up the realities, at some point my adventure riding around the world will come to an end, and I will need to start a new chapter. That means deciding if I return to Portland or somewhere else, finding some type of meaningful and paid work, as I do not have the money to retire at this stage of my life.
It will be a time to move into the new chapter. For me, I have always known that this adventure is a chapter, and a new one awaits me at the end of this one. As I consider the possibilities …… It is a bit scary but exciting at the same time. I worked in the electronic prepress and printing industry where I had a very successful career. Not only did I make a good living financially, but I really loved what I did. That industry has changed dramatically since I left it, and I will need to find something new to apply my talents. Being over 50 I realize that this will be much more difficult than in past years. I will need someone to “take a risk” on hiring me, even with a solid sales and employment history. But this is all somewhere in the future. I am a planner, so it is hard to not consider the times ahead for me!
How will I re-enter life? I have a home to return to….. but other than that, it is starting work and life over again.
While I was in DC . Met up with my friend from Florida, which did not turn out as I might have expected, but timing is everything and this was not the time. So I move onto this next part of my trip with a renewed sense of purpose and freedom to be open to new experiences, people, adventure!
As I get ready to fly off to Australia, find my motorbike, and explore Australia, I find it funny that it is a solo journey that I am on. I truly would rather being sharing my life with a special woman in a lifelong relationship, than going this journey solo. BUT I know that this is an amazing opportunity and I have connected with some really amazing people along the way, and that is worth any doubts that I might have.
Australia will mark the 24th month on my journey. I have not been gone from the US continuously, but I do not care. The three times I have been home have been great times for me to connect with friends, relax, restock some gear and then carry on.
The question comes up often. ” how long will you continue?”
And I do not really know. At this point it is becoming a matter of how much money will I spend on this trip. Originally I set aside a chunk of money to do this with. I have about run out of this money and will need to decide how much more do I want to cash out of invested retirement money to keep traveling. I am a realist, it is much easier to earn money than to save it. But I have been a saver, and a financially conservative my whole life, and I would prefer not living on the street when I am done with this amazing chapter of my life.
After all this thinking it was time to enjoy the weather and a ride!!
Met a friend John for lunch, then rode out toward to Columbia river Gorge
Then taking back roads, up the Barlow Trail and part way up Lolo pass near mount Hood!
Beautiful places to explore in the PNW!!
Then a ADV meet up in Portland!!
and meeting up with my my coffee buddies and seeing some locals!!
On another topic. Since I rode almost 180 miles yesterday, I had to get gas. WOW only 3.74 per gallon for super. after paying $6-7 per gallon of the past year….. it seems very cheap
Just 4 more days in US. Got an email that my motorbike arrived in Sydney, and has passed Customs and Bio security and will be waiting for me to arrive!
Just trying to relax a bit and rest up before my long plane flight down under!