We waited until Tuesday so that we could go get SOAT insurance for our bikes. It is mandatory in Columbia. If you get Caught it is a big deal, or so we were told.
Packed up gear, then walked to the SOAT insurance broker which is there national insurance. We need to buy 60days which cost 60,000 Pesos or $30USD.
Got all the paperwork done…. ready to be back on the road!
Maybe my next ride??
Back at the hotel we met up with some of the “wedding party” …. I had really had good conversations with them, and Terri wanted a photo with “radioman” to pass along to a friend who rides. Could not get her to sit on the bike 🙂 Her husband Don was the Box wine provider and they were really great!! Hope the rest of the trip was great!! Nice meeting you :Wave
James getting his bike turned around in the small lobby
getting ready to roll, and creating a scene outside the hotel.
Then off through Cartagena to snap a few photos of one of the forts. But first through traffic. James snapped this shot ….. he is from London and used to the crazy lane splitting…
A few photo… it was hot by the time we started riding at 11:30 am. It was over 90 degrees
What is funny…. Riding “big” motos here always attracts a crowd…… The biggest bikes here are 125-200 CC. We are strange to see, and they know the bikes cost a great deal of money. As that is always one of the first questions; along with: where you from?, where you going? how much does it cost, How big is it? How long does it take? etc. All is very fast spanish
They are thrilled to get a photo on the bike like this whole family.
They ride these bikes with 2-4 people on them.
Then heading out of Cartagena. It was HOT!
Had to get some gas. 16,300 Pesos for Premium is around $5.50 USD
Traffic was heavy getting out of town. Lots of lane splitting and fluid riding to get around much of it! Had to pay attention on these big bikes.
Then we rolled out into the coastal plains…. It was hot and humid but we were back riding!!
Just cruising along.
We came to a toll booth so we went to the green arrow…… But the attendant came out and said we need to go over to the right. Stop traffic, Back up…..
OH. Bikes ride way to the right and are free!!
just have to stay way to the right and go down the narrow channel.
The roads in some areas were pot holed and deep bumps with some sand. I watch James buck around some big bumps, then his rear end slid around and over he went. He was fine, laughing a bot when the locals all came over to see the Massive bike on it’s side.
Smiles and thanks as we lifted it back up……
then back riding. We were stopped at a Military checkpoint. The first one that we had to stop and show our passports and documents.
Then checking out the bike, the GPS, Camera etc. “Mucho Grande”
They were armed so James snapped photos, so many other areas in Mexico and Central they were “NO photos”
James photo of one of the many police bikes. They ride two officers at a time.
Seeing more animals along the road again. Sometime with ropes holding them other times loose…
James had one of those days…. We rolled into San and decided to find a hotel. Had to laugh at the beginning of the town there were lots of “Auto Hotels” with racy signs. No not staying there. Asked a guy at the gas station and he directed us into the town, but the hotel was too expensive. So we just had a bite to eat.
While parking James Dropped his bike again. again lots of helpers…
This guy had a real fuzzy bike seat cover.
Se stayed in a Trucker hotel in ….
Parked in the lobby…
We had about 280 Miles to ride to Medellin on the 11th. So we were up early and had a great day riding…
It is amazing as we ride all the things that people carry on there bikes. This guy had a huge Chain saw, we have seen Animals like goats wedged between people. Another guy was dragging a 25 foot piece of steel holding it with on hand, making a huge racket while riding through town (no photo unfortunately) while we had breakfast.
Stop for Breakfast.
As we continued across the coastal plains it was hot and we needed something to drink.
We see lots of people riding like this with helmets on top. Have to wear a helmet its the law, but on top is OK. Not too great if you crash!
Then the fun part of the day started. We started heading up into the mountains, the temps cooled to 70’s and the twisty roads were really fun. Passing more trucks that you can imagine over 200 miles through the mountains. We both were grinning like little kids in a candy store!!
Then into a town as James captured this shot. I was trying to get a shot of James photographing these guys hauling a washing machine….
was too out of focus to share.
We got the hang of riding to the free motorcycle pass through at toll booths…. Pass on the right, left etc to get there.
Still had to watch the road for big potholes, and cars in your lane passing at every turn.
Stopped for Gas….always a crowd.
Then the gas station Gals were curious… On to the bike they go!!
The mountain roads were great. Amazing scenery but not too many photos as we were riding hard and enjoy every moment.
Cheers. James raising his Glass to the incredible riding as we road through the mountains 40 miles from Medellin.
Passing tons of trucks….. and cars… The videos will be fun to watch!!
A scenic pull over looking down on the town of Balboa….
They hang glide right off of here!
This is the kind of road we spent riding all afternoon
James lining up the perfect shot.
Looks like we are about 30 minutes from Medellin….. And lots more trucks to pass 🙂
We rolled into Medellin before dark, and Albert from Shamrock Irish Pub had let me know he had rooms available.
During the crazy lane splitting arrival into Medellin which is couple Million people….. Just as we get close to the Shamrock, I bumped a car next to me and moved there mirror…. I am 48″ wide with bags so lane splitting as been a tight deal. Sorry no photos, as they yelled at me in Spanish, James was right behind me. It was wall to wall cars and trucks….. Finally I just split lanes and made my way to the Shamrock. While James took some more Abuse and we lost each other in traffic.
Great place to hang out.
Attracting more locals that want to sit on the bikes.
Then we parked in the bar for the night.