Torres Del Paine Chile onto El Calafate!

Had a great stay at Erratic Rock Hostel in Puerto Natales Thanks to a great staff! Took a phot but somehow it did not turn out. Thanks Julie, Trisha and Ruth !! If they can find a spot for your bike this is a great Hostel with friendly folks from Oregon (wish I had met the owner Bill, but he was up in the parque showing friends around).

Edited 1/6/12 was on my other camera. Here is Ruth from Holland, and Julie from Oregon who is managing the hostel! Great People. Say Hello for me!

Was up early for 6:30 Breakfast, as I wanted to get back into the park early to enjoy the nice weather.

Clouds were building in Puerto Natales as I left Rain predicted for next day

Looking for promising as I ride the 60 KM north to the edge of the park.

Sky keeps clearing. Last time I was riding through here the clouds we low and dense, so this is great!!

As I arrive into the edge of the park, the Mounatins are visible and mostly clear.

What a beautiful view. I have always loved being in and around the mountains. They make the best roads in and around Mountains and bodies of water Love it!

Yes it is great to be back into this park and able to take in the glory of it all!

Another great day riding

Feels great to just enjoy this amazing view!!

Deserves another jump!!

I reenter the park for a ride around and to enjoy it!

Really Amazing views… around every turn.

Bit of Marbly gravel roads in the park…

Even the Guanaco’s are enjoying it

The park fading away behind me. But I had a smile on my face to have enjoyed the views all morning!

Back out of the park for some real Wind…

I think they need a new sign for this……. Maybe like this……

Then I ride back out of Chile to Argentina, before heading north to El Calafate!

A group of German riders at the border….. Hardly talked to me….. they were riding south

Arrived back to El Calafate to relax for a day or two….