Was a great couple hour ride back to Quito.

The road is good and winds through the mountains taking you from the 1,400 Meters (4,500 feet) in Mindo up to 3,000 Meters (9,500 feet) in Quito

James has had a slow leak in his tire for the last 3-4 days. It appears that a previous plug is no longer holding.

Before we left the hotel in Mindo we had a bit of a laugh. Did not take photos, but we were having breakfast and an older American couple were at breakfast. The conversation went like this. Classic !

Wife to owner of hotel; “is there a doctor here? Or do we need to go to town?”

Husband: ” I do not need a doctor.”

Wife: “He is coughing and it is keeping me up”

Husband: “She needs the doctor ☺”

At doctor staying at hotel shows up a couple minutes later. Asks a few questions of the man….

Husband: “I do not need anything….”

This carries on for a bit longer.

Wife: I need to take him home Dead or Alive.

Husband: cremation might be cheaper down here ☺ :loll

Then Doctor listened to his lungs. The guy comes back. Sorry honey we have to go home, I’m dying! ☺ No Im fine it is just a cough.

We were laughing very hard. Loved it! Classic Man not wanting to have any help

So once back in Quito we stayed again at the Casa Helbling, another rider we met in Medellin, had made his way down, so we got together with Him! Great to see you again Ade from Canada!

Yummy Pizza while sitting around the nice hostel talking about our experiences riding south America!

Also ran into Hector who we “helped” buy his KTM last time we were in Quito!

We also rode up to Las Choris to Guido’s restaurant! I must do in Quito!

Guido working hard when we show up!

Great sandwiches!!

Young James, Ade, and I enjoying lunch!! Thanks Guido

Hector just arriving back on his KTM

Bikes stored away for the nights! Safe and secure behind a locked gate!! Photo’s by Ade (really missing my camera!)

Goofing around in Quito …Photo to be sent to Sheri Jo as she loves M&M’s and we found a huge box of them for her!