So we ride out of Leh at 5:30 am knowing we have a 12 hours ride back through the mountains. Many road signs giving us information and humor along the way!

Blue sky morning as we roll south. Interesting temples along the way.

The Himalayas are amazing all around us. As we head south we have so much varied terrain to ride and see. High Passes, plains, rivers etc.

Trucks carrying building materials are seen. Just liked the look of these similar sized branches, probably for roof’s

Just having an amazing ride. Taking our time and enjoying the beauty of the place.

Vast space with no people …..

Gaining elevation again….

Heading over TanglangLa

Needs another jump at high Altitude….

Made it to 17,582 Feet!

MoBill and Radioman riding the top of the world!!

Bill putting his bike where we can get a photo!

MoBill talking to the Figure near the Temple.


Riding across the plains and it is amazing!!


Clack Clack Clack Engine dies again.

So what did we do. Got out the tow strap…… and decided to tow the bike to Pang which was 50 KM away. This is the travelers Tent city that I broke down last time near. We knew we would have food, water and shelter. And figure out another truck back to Manali for my bike

We worked as a team and made our way within a couple hours. I coasted the last couple KM down the pass into Pang.…/IMG3071-L.jpg

Here we are again.

Over 15,200 feet, the oxygen is thin, but we are feeling very good, other than mechanical issues on my bike.

So we had some lunch and started asking about trucks heading south…… maybe later was the response. Then up on top of the pass above we could see three trucks coming. I ran out to the road to flag them down. and Bill rode up the road in case they stopped at the army base up the road.

Surnam came out with me and spoke to the drive that I flagged down in Hindi. Yes they would take me for $3,000 Rupee ($55.00 USD). they backed up to the exact same spot I loaded before.

By now I know the drill…..

bike tied down. (sorry for the bad photo but was huffing as I gathered my gear and loaded up in a hurry. Was less than one hour since the time we arrived and when I was back in a truck again.

This truck had a larger cabover with a large pad covered in rug. The driver plus two others and then me. I did have room to stretch out, but they spoke virtually no English.

And off I go again with a broken engine

along the dusty road I go. Litening to the local music and taking photos out the window.

Bill packed his bike and rode up in front of us, knowing he had an option for a truck if he needed one.

Here he is passing us and riding along the mountains.

New ADV riding in the cab. Videos to follow…. But this was my view. You just are missing the sounds, smells, and roughness of the ride!

The scenery is amazing as I hold my head out the window!

Yea…. amazing. think this is some of the roads that Ice road truckers filmed on.

It was a 14 hour truck ride over the Rhotang pass at night

Rolled into Manali at 4:30 Am. Through the herds of Goats and Sheep being herded through town. Since being on the road about 23 hours I was a bit blurry eyed to say the least. No photos taken 🙂

We drove through town, and I was looking for the motorcycle shop. Since they spoke basically no English, it was tough to communicate where to let me out. Finally through town I spotted a tall pile of gravel, they backed up and we rolled the bike on top and then I rolled to to the ground! Having no idea how safe the area is? They flagged down an Auto rickshaw and I loaded my gear and told him to drive me to Old Manali to find a hotel so I could sleep……… Yes this is an adventure!!!

MoBill was riding to Keylong and would email he made it, and then we had a meeting point set in Manali for Wednesday afternoon.


So a’yup. Here we are out on the prairie, aaagain…. Funny thing was, no emotion after the first throat cutting motion as I drove up, “DEAD!” “WHAT?” “Dead.” No way…dead.

Laughs….I haul out the buddy tow and off we go. 🙂 Mark was an excellent brakeman…I mean excellent. Not one drop of the rope…and we established a commo system right off and he kept that sucker tight.

A few Kms down the road here’s Mark doin’ the palaver with the locals…he walks them over but no dice…they’re really not interested and we look at each other…drive on:

As Mark said, coasting down the hill down to Pang…no more towin’….50 Km total:

Again, short lunch, we’re keeping our eyes peeled, Mark spots the truck runs out, waves it down and in as long as it takes me to snap a few of him loading and run off to the can, he’s ready to pull away:

Wave to the crappiest photog:

I go in double check we’re paid up for lunch, wave to Sonam and say, “that’s it hon, see ya”, pull out, get in front of my sweep:

And it’s a little bit of solo time Big smiles…good adventuring is never a conceived plan, but a reaction and adaptation to what comes along, no?