Samuel has returned and we will be heading south ……. But we decided to stay an extra day to relax and get ready to travel.

Had Pezole for dinner the night before.

Great Soup with meet, Garbonzo beans, vegetables, etc.

We took our time in the morning then when to the coffee shop near Becari school.

Had a great breakfast before returning to the hotel to get a some things done.

Saw my friend Sara who has been at the language school. We went out one night and out to the Hueve de Aqua on Sunday. She is from the UK, and traveling in Mexico, Central america for 5-6 months before returning to the UK to finish her studies and go to work. Sara. Was great meeting you. Love your traveling spirit!!

Cuisine Shot

School kids in Oaxaca

Enjoyed just looking around the city!

Things you see in your normal day. On a house. in the US you would never see this. Lawyers, and OHSA Safety would have a field day here. Here it is personal responsibility and common sense …… Do not touch these. And at least it is not ion my shower this way

Get back to my hotel. Alfonso at our hotel has been a great help in storing Samuel’s bike for a week and helping us find things. I dropped off my fancy Oaxaca Shirt, 3 t shirts and 3 underwear at the laundry. They delivered them for a total cost of 20 Pesos (about $1.58 US) Thanks Alfonso!!! Your great!!

Would recommend this place for location to the city and the great people there. Secure bike parking and easy in and out of Oaxaca!! it was $615 Peso around $47 USD for 2 people in a double room. High side of what we have paid, but split in half it was worth it to us!!

I had one of my Twisted Throttle D2 Lights go bad on me. Fortunately when Sam went to Houston, I was able to have the replacement sent to his sisters house, and return the defective part. Thanks Samuel for the efforts and for Twisted throttle making sure the parts where there waiting for him. But I had to take the wiring harness out and replace it with a new one, which was a real pain for me. Just ask Sam.

Had a similar issue with my Garmin GPS. Long story, Short. They replaced my unit for $160 since it was out of warranty, and again with Sam’s trip to Houston, he schelped back my old one, mailed it to Garmin and the replacement was waiting for him at his sisters.

As we worked on repacking and getting organized, we decided to order a Pizza for dinner. Juan at the front desk said Dominos was the very best in town I kept asking about this place or that and he kept insisting that they were best

Samuel says it hit the spot!

Our Hotel, you can make out Sams bike way in the back!!

A few more sights around town.

Then on Mary’s recommendation ….. Ice Cream at Popeyes… It was good!

Just a few more pictures as we walked about town.

This is the sight we have seen many times. Mom with 2-3 kids with her selling her wares of candy on the street.

Hugo….This ones for you.

Night shots about town.