Just a few hours south to the bigger city of Salta. Riding down the valley as the altitude gets lower. Seems strange after being in the Altoplano for so long, now I am down to 4,500 feet elevation.
Stayed here in Salta. Had to ride through the lobby, dining area to get to the patio in the back Was a tight squeeze through but nice Patio in back for the bike!
Couple things have changed in Argentina. First the outlets changed so I need to find an Adapter …..
The other thing that really changed here is the restaurant do not open until 8-9PM for dinner Persoanlly I have always been an early to rise kind of guy, so no eating dinner until 8-9-10 seems really late to me
New country new customs!
Since I needed to have Moto Insurance, I found the tourist office and they directed me to the national tourist office!
They could do Moto insurance that will be good for all all surrounding countries as well, which is great. Took about an hour …. but got it done. 223 Pesos ($47 USD) for 3 months coverage.
Salta is about 500,000 people and has a nice main square. Tons of shopping and people around.
And shoes are a big thing here.
Had a nice breakfast of coffee and Empanadas (meat or chicken filled pastries)
Took a couple days to relax and not do too much. Enjoyed a bit of walking about, catch up on some calls, Bills, Ride report etc.
Had a nice meal on the square. The steak was great!
The only problem eating on the main square is that it costs more, and had a constant group of people asking for money, of to sell you stuff.
This little guy had some cards for sale but settled for some of my neighbors breadsticks. It is hard to see so many without anything.
ended up being a big splurge ….. $20 meal But I was feeling like just enjoying the moment.
Just taking it all in, relaxing and feeling very grateful that I have this opportunity to explore part of the world. Many times we get caught up in life and forget to reflect and be thankful!