Brunswick, ME to Eastport, ME (the furthest east of any city in the USA), then a ferry to Deer Island, NB

Mileage Approx 225

Weather Partially Sunny and mid 70’s. Perfect riding weather!!

Started my day riding on “Maine” street in Brunswick. Enjoyed riding around the town that my Parents lived in when I was born.

A photo for Kens Postal Thread.

Rode Coastal road Hwy 1 through Maine. Lots of great views along the intercostal waterways…. Did not stop to take many pictures as I was enjoying the ride and did not want to stop.

Maine is certainly living up to its name “Vacationland” lots of ice cream stands, Lobster snack shops along the way.

Some Purple houses on the way.

and a Blueberry Festival to keep people out and about!

Made my way to Eastport, ME which is the farthest east in the USA you can go.

Then a ferry ride over to Deer Island, NB Canada. to meet up with fellow ADVr WestIsleFooFoo

On the ferry.

The ferry has an engine that swings around to change the direction of the boat.

Made it into Canada. They were checking my Documents so I took a photo of the signs.

Ferry just lands on the beach area and lets you off. It is only a seasonal ferry running June-September.

The ferry heading back to the US.

Winston Met me at the Ferry landing and we rode back to his house!

What a view from his place!!