Arrived back in Portland last night and got to my house about midnight. Since I leased my house out. I sleep in my office area. Since I have been on the road it is fine with me!
Woke up at 6am….
Then Got to work. Lots of parts have arrived for the new F800GS. Normally it is great to farkle up a bike, but I have only a limited time and need to get it done.
First, I opened the New excel rims that Woodys Wheel works had made up, and headed over to Bauhausbeirs house (where my tire machine is spending the next few years. The work that they did looks great!
mounted the tires. Look you spend enough money and they give you a “free” hat and T-shirts!
Lots of errands today…. Did not get much done. But I big thank you to Dakez (motorcycle buddy from for getting this done
Simeon works for Latus Harley Davison in Gladstone Oregon. (call hime if you need a Harley 800-446-2525 Had tried to sell my Harley before I left on Craigslist and Flea market but everyone wanted it too cheap. Simeon said he would help me out. HE DID IT!!
Simeon texted me while I was waiting at Atlanta airport that they were signing papers! Another Big item off my List. Cannot thank Sim enough !!!
Did some banking!
and worked on the new bike…. Will be a few days of limited posts as I try to get the bike ready and set up before riding to Montana. More good stuff to come in this ride report