Having a great time in Oaxaca. Sam flew to Houston on Tuesday Nov 8th to attend his Nieces wedding. And I signed up for 40 hours of Spanish class during the week.

Meet Manuel who is one of my teachers at the school.

When not in class of studying, I have some time to check out the Cuidad de Oaxaca. It is a cool city with lots of Arts and goods to be sold. They have many markets all around the city.

I’m not buying anything…. but it is fun to check out these things.

Beautiful handmade fabrics from the native peoples. I hope to go out to the area where these are made and see how they hand dye the colors. Heard it is very interesting.

In the Zocalo there are many vendors but also live music.

Lots to take in as you walk the city.

While stopped for the week I am getting a few things done. I bought my fairing at the last minute and had wanted to have it painted to match the bike. Through the director of the school, I found a painter to get it done!

Also needed to get the soles of my boots replaced! So I got that started and will get them back on Saturday.

While I have been here I found out that a Mission team from our church is here working. I was able to switch a school day so that I could join them. It was a really awesome experience as I have been aware of this project for over 15 years. Part of the work here has been helping build them a church, but also help fund and pour concrete floors for families in this small pueblo near Oaxaca. Met the team and we worked hard in the hot sun to help families have simple concrete floors instead of dirt. Amazing experience, and very humbling to be able to help.

The family had cleared all their belonging out of the house.

and we mixed, poured and finished the floors.

The kids were great as they watched the process. We got to engage with them and seeing their smiles was really heartwarming!!

This is their water source. Was not real clear where the water comes from but I think that a truck brings it to fill the plastic water bin.

This small village has not paved roads. This photo does not show how steep this really is. Must get really muddy when it rains!

Here is the church that has been under construction for awhile. They are working hard to get the roof ready to pour the concrete before the team leaves…

OSHA might not approve of this worksite

We also had the pleasure of helping with a Wednesday Kids Bible study (full house for this) and then an evening party with those in the community. It was really great!!



The work day ended and then we went back out and had the party. I did not take any photos but it was a great experience to meet the people, eat the food they prepared and interact!!

for my friend Howard…. Water is supplied in purified water jugs at the school, like many of the hotels and homes.

They deliver the water like this.

The markets have great products.

Room that I have at my home stay.

I get two meals a day as part of the home stay. Breakfast.

Some cool windows and architecture around the city.

even found a Honda dealer….

As I was walking around I saw this sticker…. Interesting as so many people warned us of all the danger in Mexico, but we have had an amazing experience!!

Ok. Off to school!!